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Written by Jacky Chou

Determining The Day Of The Month In Excel

Key takeaways:

  • The DAY function in Excel is a simple and effective way to determine the day of the month from a given date. By inputting the date value, the DAY function returns the day of the month as a number.
  • To extract or manipulate the day value, the TEXT function can be used. By specifying the format code to display only the day value, the TEXT function can extract the day from a date value.
  • To display only the day of the month in a custom format, custom date formats can be created using a combination of codes and symbols. This allows for flexibility in how the day value is displayed.

Do you ever struggle to remember the day of the month? With Excel, it’s easier than ever to determine the day of the month quickly. You don’t need to worry about forgetting; Excel can take care of that for you! In this article, we’ll explore how to determine the day of the month in Excel.

Using the DAY function in Excel

To figure out the day of the month in Excel? The DAY function can be a lifesaver. Extracting the day number from a date value is easy with this function. Let’s explore the syntax and parameters of DAY. Examples will help us understand how to use this function in Excel.

Using the DAY function in Excel-Determining the Day of the Month in Excel,

Image credits: by Harry Arnold

Syntax and parameters of the DAY function

The DAY function in Excel is used to determine the day of the month from a given date, as per its syntax. It takes one parameter – the date, which can be supplied directly or derived from another cell using a formula. The function returns an integer value between 1 and 31, representing the day of the month.

To use the DAY function in Excel, begin by selecting the cell where you want to display the result. Type =DAY(date) where ‘date’ is either a cell reference or a direct date input enclosed within quotes. Press enter to get the desired output. Make sure that the cell is formatted as a number.

It’s important to note that if you supply an invalid date argument to this function, it will return an error value #VALUE!. Also, if your calculation involves dates across multiple months or years, you may want to consider using other functions such as MONTH and YEAR in conjunction with DAY.

To summarize, while working with dates in Excel, knowing how to use the DAY function helps extract significant information from them easily. Always check your inputs before using any date function in Excel and try combining multiple functions for complex calculations involving dates and times.

Who needs a calendar when you have the DAY function in Excel? It’s like having a personal assistant who never forgets the date.

Examples of using the DAY function

The DAY function in Excel is a powerful tool that can determine the day of the month from a specific date. This allows users to analyze data and make informed decisions based on the day of each transaction or event.

Here are six simple steps for using the DAY function:

  1. Select an empty cell where you want the result to appear.
  2. Type “=DAY(” followed by the cell containing your date.
  3. Type a closing parenthesis, then hit enter.
  4. The resulting number displays the corresponding day of the month for your date.
  5. You can also use this formula with a static, non-changing date by simply typing it into quotations before inserting it between parentheses.
  6. Repeat these steps throughout your spreadsheet to determine multiple dates.

In addition, users can further customize their analysis by combining other functions such as IF, COUNTIF, and SUMIF to quickly identify patterns or trends.

It is interesting to note that while Excel offers a variety of date formats and formulas, some businesses have developed their own unique methods for tracking financial information. For example, historically some companies used wall calendars to keep track of transactions rather than traditional ledgers or software programs. Regardless of methodology, accurate and efficient record keeping remains paramount in any industry.

Finally, a way to extract the day without resorting to sacrificing a goat to the Excel Gods.

Extracting the day using the TEXT function

Extracting the day from a date in Excel? No problem- just use the TEXT function! It’s easy and automated. In this section, we’ll learn how to utilize the TEXT function to get the day. Check it out to see the syntax and parameters of the TEXT function. Plus, discover examples of how to use it to extract the day.

Extracting the day using the TEXT function-Determining the Day of the Month in Excel,

Image credits: by Joel Duncun

Syntax and parameters of the TEXT function

Using the TEXT function in Excel requires specific syntax and parameters that must be adhered to precisely. The function can be used to extract specific information, such as determining the day of the month.

To utilize the TEXT function to its fullest potential, it is essential to understand its various parameters and syntax configurations. Below is a table demonstrating true and actual data configurations for applying the TEXT function effectively:

ValueRequired: The value intended for conversion
Format_textRequired: The desired format configuration

It’s worth noting that using custom codes in the “format_text” parameter, like “d” or “dd,” will give different results (the two examples equate to “day number” and “zero-padded day number,” respectively).

Remember to be proficient with Excel functions, ensuring accurate data manipulations with fast processing times.

Get your calendar ready, because these TEXT function examples will make sure you never forget what day it is again.

Examples of using the TEXT function to extract the day

To derive the date from a set of dates or extract the day using Excel, one can use the TEXT function. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Prepare your data in the cells where you want to extract the day.
  2. Select an empty cell and activate its formula bar.
  3. Enter =TEXT(cell, "d") where cell is the reference cell that contains the date you want to use.
  4. Press Enter and voila! The corresponding day will appear in cell with reference to step 2.

Apart from extracting days from single dates, this technique also works well on ranges of dates when combined with an array formula.

An important thing to note is that this TEXT function only returns the numerical value of the day itself, not including any textual suffixes like “st”, “nd”, “rd” or “th”. Therefore, make sure your usage is appropriate for your desired results before invoking this Excel shortcut.

A colleague of mine once struggled with a big table of sales data stuck in a .csv file. She was tasked with extracting certain types of sales made each weekday but didn’t know how to go about separating them appropriately. In less than five minutes I showed her how she could use Excel’s built-in tools to extract all sales data categorized by day type by employing functions such as ‘IF’ alongside TEXT formulas like these.

Why settle for a plain old date format when you can jazz it up with custom formatting and make every day feel like a celebration?

Using custom formatting to display the day

Create custom date formats in Excel! To display the day of the month, you’ll need custom formatting. This section covers it!

Examples of custom date formats that only show the day of the month are included. Get creative!

Using custom formatting to display the day-Determining the Day of the Month in Excel,

Image credits: by David Duncun

Creating custom date formats in Excel

Customizing date formats in Excel allows users to display dates in a way that suits their needs. With the ability to create custom date formats, users can choose how they want the date displayed, whether it’s written out in full or abbreviated, and if they want the day of the week included.

  1. Open an Excel sheet and select the cell you want to format.
  2. Right-click on the cell and choose “Format Cells.”
  3. Select “Custom” from the list and enter your desired date format using codes for month (mm), day (dd), year (yyyy), and day of the week (ddd).

By creating custom formatting, users can display dates in a specific manner to fit their individualized requirements. Such customized date formatting saves time as well as reduces complexity when handling data with multiple dates.

Excel has been used by individuals for many years now. Microsoft launched Excel 1.0 in September 1985 culminating over two years of development involving more than half a dozen programmers at Microsoft Corp. It initially ran on an MS-DOS computer but Windows versions followed soon after; making it one of the most recognizable names in spreadsheeting software today.

Why settle for just any day when you can customize it to stand out like a Sunday in a Monday crowd?

Examples of custom date formats to display the day only

To showcase the day of a date in Excel, custom formatting is often used. This allows users to display the day only in a unique and personalized way.

Examples of custom date formats to display the day only:

  • “d” – This displays the day as a number without leading zeros. For example, 1.
  • “dd” – This displays the day as a number with leading zeros when required. For example, 01.
  • “ddd” – This displays the day of the week using an abbreviation. For example, Mon.
  • “dddd” – This displays the full name of the day of the week. For example, Monday.
  • “d””st/nd/rd/th” mmmm yyyy- This displays a full date format with ‘st‘, ‘nd‘, ‘rd‘ or ‘th‘ appended to the end of the date based on its value (Example: 1st October 2022)

In addition to these examples, a combination of letters and symbols can also be used to create more personalized and distinct formats for displaying just the day.

Speaking historically, custom formatting was added to Microsoft Excel in 1985 as part of its second version release. Since then it has become increasingly useful for presenting data in new and innovative ways.

Some Facts About Determining the Day of the Month in Excel:

  • ✅ Excel has a built-in function called “DAY” that can be used to determine the day of the month from a date. (Source: Excel Jet)
  • ✅ The function “DAY” can also be used in combination with other functions, such as “MONTH” and “YEAR,” to manipulate dates in Excel. (Source: Excel Easy)
  • ✅ The “DAY” function returns a number from 1 to 31 that represents the day of the month. (Source: Microsoft)
  • ✅ Dates in Excel are stored as serial numbers, with January 1, 1900 being represented by the serial number 1. (Source: Ablebits)
  • ✅ Excel also has a function called “WEEKDAY” that can be used to determine the day of the week from a date. (Source: Excel Campus)

FAQs about Determining The Day Of The Month In Excel

What are some ways of determining the day of the month in Excel?

One way of determining the day of the month in Excel is by using the DAY function. Another way is by using the TEXT function in combination with the TODAY or DATE function.

How do I use the DAY function to determine the day of the month?

The syntax for the DAY function is ‘=DAY(serial_number)’. ‘Serial_number’ is the date that you want to extract the day of the month from. For example, ‘=DAY(A2)’ would return the day of the month from cell A2.

Can I use conditional formatting to highlight a specific day of the month?

Yes, you can use conditional formatting to highlight a specific day of the month. You would need to create a formula that references the DAY function and then apply the formatting to that formula. For example, to highlight all cells that contain the 15th of the month, the formula would be ‘=DAY(A2)=15’.

What is the difference between the TODAY and NOW functions?

The TODAY function returns the current date without the time, while the NOW function returns the current date and time. If you only need to reference the current date, use the TODAY function.

Can I use the DAY function with dates from other years?

Yes, you can use the DAY function with dates from other years. The function will return the day of the month regardless of the year. For example, ‘=DAY(“1/1/2000”)’ would return ‘1’.

How can I display the day of the week along with the day of the month?

To display the day of the week along with the day of the month, you would use the TEXT function in combination with the DAY and WEEKDAY functions. The syntax would be ‘TEXT(DATE(year,month,day),”dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy”)’.

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