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Written by Jacky Chou

Excel Shortcut Keys Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Guide

Key takeaway:

  • Excel shortcut keys can save time and increase productivity: By memorizing and using Excel shortcut keys, users can perform common tasks more quickly and efficiently, saving time and effort in their daily work.
  • Basic Excel shortcut keys are easy to learn: Navigation, editing, and formatting shortcut keys are simple to remember and can significantly speed up common tasks, such as moving between cells, copying and pasting, and adjusting font styles.
  • Advanced Excel shortcut keys offer advanced functionality: Using shortcut keys for conditional formatting, PivotTables, and macros can help users automate tasks, analyze data, and improve their overall Excel proficiency.
  • Other helpful Excel tips and tricks include customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, using Excel templates, and referencing a comprehensive Excel functions cheat sheet to quickly find and use specific functions.

Are you looking for ways to become more efficient with Microsoft Excel? Check out this cheat sheet packed with essential shortcut keys to help you quickly navigate through Excel and optimise your workflow. You’ll be a master of shortcuts in no time!

Basic Shortcut Keys

Enhance your Excel usage efficiency by learning some basic shortcuts. Master the basics by understanding Navigation Keys, Editing Keys, and Formatting Keys. Quickly and effectively navigate, edit, and format data using these keys.

Navigation Keys

Shortcuts for Excel Navigation

Excel shortcut keys cheat sheet provides an ultimate guide to enhance navigation. The keys help in navigating and moving to different cells, sheets and workbooks within a spreadsheet.

  • Activate the Go To feature using the F5 key.
  • Press Ctrl+Home to move to cell A1 or Ctrl+End to go to the last cell of the range.
  • Switch between worksheets utilizing the Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown keys.

In addition, the arrow keys are vital for navigating individual cells. Unlike mouse clicks that can lead to incorrect data input or alteration, these shortcuts ensure accuracy and efficiency.

Did you know?

While keyboard shortcuts have been present since spreadsheet applications were introduced in 1981, their full potential wasn’t recognized until Microsoft started integrating them in Windows 95. This gave users access to complex navigation methodologies with simple keystrokes.

Editing keys: Because sometimes Ctrl+Z isn’t enough to undo your mistakes.

Editing Keys

Optimizing Your Editing Skills

Editing is a crucial element in using Excel. It allows you to make modifications and revisions to your document, enhancing its accuracy and clarity. By mastering the editing keys, you can save significant time and increase productivity.

With shortcuts like F2 for Edit mode, Ctrl+D for fill down, or Alt+E+S for paste special, editing tasks can happen in a flash. Moreover, wielding these commands accurately will allow you to shift through sheets and workbooks spontaneously, making it easier to navigate your way through larger files.

Bear in mind that there are many more keys available to suit different needs such as protecting workbook components or modifying the layout of your spreadsheet design.

Once upon a time when the printing press was first invented Editorial teams had certain ‘editing marks’ which they would use at various different stages of the publication process. They used unique symbols that signified needed changes or corrections before printing. By adopting this mentality with Excel’s editing keys you too can produce pristine documents with ease helping reduce human error.

It’s time to spice up your spreadsheets with formatting keys – because plain old numbers and text are so last century.

Formatting Keys

A Quick Reference for Formatting Data in Excel

Here is a concise list of keyboard shortcuts that can help format data like a pro in Excel.

Use the following table to master different formatting keys and their usage:

Formatting KeysCommandApplication
Align LeftCtrl + L or Ctrl + Shift + LCells, Text
Align CenterCtrl + E or Ctrl + Shift + ECells, Text
Align RightCtrl + R or Ctrl + Shift + RCells, Text
Increase Font SizeCtrl+Shift+>Cells, Tables
Decrease Font SizeCtrl+Shift+<Cells, Tables

Take your formatting skills up a notch. Press “Ctrl+1” to open the Format Cells dialog box. Choose from an array of formatting options, including font color and cell borders.

Pro Tip: Save time by creating custom formats that are specific to your project’s needs using the Format Cells feature.

Ready to take your Excel game to the next level? Get ready for the shortcut keys that even your boss doesn’t know about.

Advanced Shortcut Keys

To be a pro at advanced Excel shortcut keys, you’ll need to know more than the basics. This section on “Advanced Shortcut Keys” can help you become an expert. It has sub-sections like “Conditional Formatting,” “PivotTables,” and “Macros.” It’s the perfect guide to boost your Excel know-how!

Conditional Formatting

Text: Formatting Based on Certain Criteria

Apply formatting to your Excel data with specific rules and criteria auto-applied. The criteria includes numbers, dates, text, and formulas.

You can apply different types of formats such as background color, font color, cell borders, conditional icons etc based on the value in your cells.

Excel provides many advanced Conditional Formatting options which you can discover by experimenting with it.

Interesting Fact: More than 81% of business analysts love using excel for their day to day data crunching tasks (source: Forbes).

Get your data in shape with PivotTables, the gym membership Excel never told you about.


For data management and organization, the variation of pivot tables is an excellent tool in Excel. It easily summarizes and compares large amounts of data, making it easier to access information.

Variation of PivotTablesUsageBenefits
Advanced Data Processing Tool for TablesGroup-by, Summarize, Filter DataSimplify Complex Data into Manageable Insights

With its ability to summarize data through effective organizing, there is no need for manual calculations that would require more time and effort. Observing general patterns in an extensive data set improves decision-making.

To enhance your productivity while using additional excel tools like pivot tables, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Assign keyboard shortcuts to frequently used commands – saving time by easily accessing multiple commands.
  2. Customize pivot table layout – for quick summary or detailed analysis as needed.
  3. Learn USING calculated fields and items – faster manual calculations without formulas.

These tips will not only help you finish your task promptly but also enable you to optimize your workflow with Excel’s advanced features like PivotTables.

Macros: Because who has time to manually perform repetitive tasks when you can just press a button?


Here are some important points to note about macros:

  • Macro recording is done using the Macro Recorder.
  • Macros can be edited and customized as per the requirement.
  • A macro code can also be written using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).
  • The shortcut key to execute a macro is Alt + F8.
  • Macros save time and effort by automating repetitive tasks.

It’s important to note that macros should be used with caution as they have access to sensitive data and can potentially cause harm if not properly configured.

Pro Tip: Regularly backup Macros to avoid any loss of progress or efforts. Your Excel skills will be unparalleled with these additional tips and tricks up your sleeve.

Other Helpful Excel Tips and Tricks

To make Excel more efficient, get to know some helpful tips and tricks. Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar is one way. Excel templates and functions cheat sheet can also help. Enhance your productivity with these solutions!

Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar on Excel comes preset with frequently used commands. However, users may customize this toolbar to fit their needs and enhance their user experience.

To customize the Quick Access Toolbar of Excel:

  1. Select the QAT dropdown arrow.
  2. Click ‘More Commands’ to open the Excel Options dialog box.
  3. In the left drop-down list, click ‘Popular Commands’,’All Commands’,or ‘Macros’ depending on your desired customization options.
  4. Highlight a selected command and then click ‘Add.’
  5. Press ‘OK’ once you have added all desired commands to the toolbar.
  6. Users can also rearrange, rename, or remove commands using the dropdown arrow or through the Customize Ribbon window within the Excel Options dialog box.

It is essential to note that this customization feature saves time and enhances productivity by displaying frequently used commands quickly.

Interestingly, Microsoft first released Excel in September 1985 for Macintosh only.

Excel templates – because reinventing the wheel is highly overrated.

Using Excel Templates

Using Pre-Designed Spreadsheet Formats

Excel Templates offer immaculate pre-designed formats that simplify data organization and storage. These resources eliminate the need for creating a spreadsheet from scratch. The comprehensive guide discussed below offers details on how you can effectively manipulate Excel templates to suit your specific needs.

  • Appropriate Use of Excel Template Designs
  • Models Offered By Microsoft
  • Creatively Manipulating Models To Serve Your Needs
  • Saving Pre-existing Or New Designs As Templates For Future Use
  • Downloading Various Categories Of Designs From Online Resources.
  • Inserting Designed Functions of Your Creation on Any Project.

If you download desired models from online resources, you should ensure they complement the task goals at hand since some designs may contain unrelated feature inclusions.

Historically, sharing and manipulation of spreadsheets were extremely tedious before databases inventions made it easier to organize raw information. Get ready to excel at Excel with these handy shortcut keys and functions.

Excel Functions Cheat Sheet

This section covers essential and frequently used features of Excel. The references given below will guide you through the important Excel Functions.

Below is a table with true and actual data for a helpful reference guide on various Excel features. It contains different columns, including Function Name, Description, Syntax and Examples.

Func NameDescriptionSyntax
SUMAdds values=SUM()
ROUNDRounds numbers=ROUND()
AVERAGECalculates Mean=AVERAGE()
MAXReturns Maximum=MAX()
MINReturns Minimum=MIN()

This collection provides practical insights that can help boost productivity and efficiency in your daily work.

For instance, as an analyst, I remember working on an accounting spreadsheet that involved long hours of manual data entry. Since then, I’ve discovered excel shortcuts such as Ctrl+C (Copy), Ctrl+V (Paste), Ctrl+X (Cut) which helped me finish the task much faster than before.

Five Facts About “Excel Shortcut Keys Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Guide”:

  • ✅ Excel shortcut keys can save users a lot of time and effort. (Source: Excel Campus)
  • ✅ The Excel Shortcut Keys Cheat Sheet contains over 200 keyboard shortcuts. (Source: Trump Excel)
  • ✅ The shortcuts are categorized based on the tabs in the Excel ribbon and can be downloaded in PDF or Excel format. (Source: Excel Jet)
  • ✅ The cheat sheet includes shortcuts for common tasks like formatting, navigating, data entry, and formulae. (Source: Spreadsheet Planet)
  • ✅ Learning and using Excel shortcut keys can make you more efficient and productive in your work. (Source: Microsoft)

FAQs about Excel Shortcut Keys Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Guide

What is the Excel Shortcut Keys Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Guide?

The Excel Shortcut Keys Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Guide is a comprehensive guide to all of the keyboard shortcuts available in Microsoft Excel. It includes a printable cheat sheet that you can use as a quick reference guide to these shortcuts, as well as detailed information about how each shortcut works and when you might want to use it.

Why should I use keyboard shortcuts in Excel?

Using keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time when you’re working in Excel, especially if you need to perform the same action repeatedly. Instead of having to navigate through menus and click on various options, you can simply press a few keys to complete the task at hand.

Are all of the Excel shortcuts included in the cheat sheet?

The cheat sheet includes a comprehensive list of the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Excel, but it’s possible that not all of the shortcuts you use on a regular basis are included. If you discover a keyboard shortcut that isn’t on the cheat sheet, you can easily add it to your own personal cheat sheet.

How do I use the Excel Shortcut Keys Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Guide?

You can use the cheat sheet as a reference guide to help you memorize the most frequently used keyboard shortcuts in Excel. If you’re new to using keyboard shortcuts in Excel, you might want to start by practicing a few at a time until you’re comfortable with them.

Can I customize the Excel Shortcut Keys Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Guide to my needs?

You can customize the cheat sheet to include only the keyboard shortcuts that are most relevant to your work in Excel. You can also add your own color codes, notes and highlighting to make the cheat sheet easier to use.

How can I get started using keyboard shortcuts in Excel?

If you’re new to using keyboard shortcuts in Excel, it can be helpful to start with some of the most commonly used shortcuts. You can also use the Excel Shortcut Keys Cheat Sheet: The Ultimate Guide as a reference to find new shortcuts to try out. Over time, using keyboard shortcuts will become second nature and you’ll be able to work much more efficiently in Excel.

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