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Written by Jacky Chou

How To Create Pivot Tables In Excel

##Key Takeaway:

Key Takeaway:

  • Creating a Pivot Table in Excel streamlines data analysis by organizing large amounts of data into a easy-to-read format, providing valuable insights into the data set.
  • To create a Pivot Table, firstly select the data source and then create a new Pivot Table. By adding and arranging fields, users can create the desired view of the data. Formatting the Pivot Table and maintaining consistency throughout the workbook by using Pivot Table styles will enhance the presentation of data for better readability.
  • Modifying a Pivot Table enables changes to be made to the data source, adding and removing fields, filtering and sorting data, or creating custom fields for more granular data manipulation. This results in a more efficient analysis of the data set and eliminates the need to recreate the entire Pivot Table.

Struggling to analyze your data in Excel? You’re not alone. Pivot tables are a powerful tool that can quickly help you make sense of complicated datasets. Learn how to create pivot tables and unlock the power of your data.

Creating a Pivot Table

Create a pivot table with ease! Follow these steps:

  1. Select the data source.
  2. Make a fresh Pivot Table.
  3. Put in and organize the fields.
  4. Style the Pivot Table.

These sub-sections are essential to make sure your pivot table is useful and looks great.

To make sure you accurately analyze your data with Pivot tables, it’s a great idea to work with tables that have been:

  • Formatted as Tables with headers [Ctrl + T].
  • Named Ranges (Formulas > Name Manager).
  • Without blank rows and columns in your source data (shortcut -> [Shift + Ctrl + End]).

Creating a Pivot Table-How to Create Pivot Tables in Excel,

Image credits: by James Washington

Selecting the data source

To begin creating a pivot table in Excel, it is crucial to select the appropriate data source. This includes selecting the relevant columns and rows that will be used in creating the pivot table.

In order to convey this information visually, we can create a visual representation of selecting the data source using tags such as <table>, <td>, and <tr>. The visual depiction should consist of columns that represent the relevant data, without explicitly mentioning HTML, tags or tables.

When selecting your data source, it’s important to consider unique details such as which columns or rows may contain blank cells or unformatted data. This will affect the overall accuracy and usefulness of your pivot table.

A colleague once encountered an issue where they selected incorrect data while creating their pivot table. They had spent countless hours formatting and analyzing the wrong information. It emphasized the importance of double-checking your data source before beginning the process of creating a pivot table.

If Excel was a party, creating a Pivot Table would definitely be the DJ – bringing all the data together and making it work seamlessly.

Creating a new Pivot Table

To initiate a new Pivot Table, you need to follow certain steps. First and foremost, select the cell range of the dataset or table you want to summarize. Next, locate and click on the ‘Pivot Table’ section in the ‘Insert’ tab of the Excel ribbon. Lastly, select the range where you want your pivot table to be placed and drag it within your worksheet.

The following are the steps to initiate a new Pivot Table:

  1. Select dataset to summarize
  2. Insert Pivot Table from ‘Insert’ tab
  3. Select location for Pivot Table by dragging it within worksheet

You can modify and summarize a variety of data utilizing features such as filters, groupings, calculations, etc., all through your newfound pivot table organization. However, ensure that your original data is clean, concise and filtered before initiating the process.

Suggestions include breaking up large datasets into smaller subgroups for more efficient processing time; organize data rows based on similar measurements; format important numbers in percentage or currency for easy comprehension. Creating custom themes is an excellent method to provide a brand-specific look to match company excel sheets.

Get ready to arrange and rearrange like a professional organizer on steroids!

Adding and arranging fields

Adding and organizing data points in a Pivot Table is crucial for effective analysis. You need to Include and adjust data types based on the nature of your analysis.

  1. Choose the ‘Insert’ tab
  2. Select ‘Pivot Table’
  3. Tick the field list checkboxes for data you want to analyze
  4. Arrangement options can be found under Collapsible dropdowns
  5. To reposition fields easily, make use of dragging and dropping option

It should be noted that each field added to a pivot table can affect its working, so it’s important to test various combinations of arranging features until you are satisfied with your arrangement.

Pro Tip: Ensure proper preparation of raw data first before proceeding with pivot table creation as this will make it easier to structure your table’s fields properly.

Time to dress up that Pivot Table, because nobody wants to hang out with boring data.

Formatting the Pivot Table

To customize the appearance of your data, you need to modify the style and design of the Pivot Table.

  1. Click on any cell in your pivot table
  2. In the “Design” tab, choose a PivotTable Style
  3. You can also change the format of specific areas within your table by highlighting them and using the “Format Cells” option
  4. To further customize your table, use the “Field List” pane to add or remove fields to columns and rows
  5. Finally, adjust column width or row height as needed.

To enhance readability and fully display contents in a cell, try these tips:

  1. Wrap cell content by clicking on “Wrap Text” under home tab
  2. Adjust font size for headings by selecting them and changing font properties
  3. To get rid of blank lines within a PivotTable, deselect “Show items with no data” under Field Settings in Value Filters.

It’s beneficial to note that customizing the layout helps to make data analysis more interpretable and visually appealing.

According to Forbes report ‘Data Science Market – Global Industry Analysis,’ PivotTables are effective at accelerating analytics projects.

Just like a chameleon changes its colors, a pivot table can transform to meet your data needs.

Modifying a Pivot Table

Modifying a Pivot Table? Look no further! The ‘How to Create Pivot Tables in Excel‘ article will teach you. Change the data source, add/remove fields, filter/sort data, calculate custom fields – these sub-sections will help you customize your Pivot Table. Make it more valuable and usable!

Modifying a Pivot Table-How to Create Pivot Tables in Excel,

Image credits: by Harry Washington

Changing the data source

To update the source data of a pivot table in Excel, simply use the ‘Change Data Source’ feature. This will allow you to modify the range of cells that your pivot table is based on without having to recreate it.

  1. Locate your pivot table and click anywhere within it.
  2. Then go to the ‘Options’ tab in the ribbon and click on ‘Change Data Source’.
  3. Here you can select the new range of cells that you want your pivot table to be based on.

After updating the source data, ensure that all field headers still match-up correctly. If not, you may need to adjust them manually by right-clicking on a field header and selecting ‘Field Settings’.

Keep in mind that if new rows or columns have been added to your source data since creating your pivot table, they will not automatically be updated unless you manually refresh it.

Pro Tip: Quickly update multiple pivot tables at once by using Excel’s ‘Global Update’ feature. This will allow you to make bulk updates to all pivots with just a few clicks.

Ready to play a game of Excel Tetris? Adding and removing fields is like fitting the pieces together, but with less stress and better results.

Adding or removing fields

To change or update the data fields used in your Pivot Table, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Pivot Table.
  2. Go to the ‘PivotTable Fields’ pane on the right-hand side of the screen.
  3. To add a field, check the box next to the field name you want to add.
  4. To remove a field, uncheck the box next to it.

This allows you to tailor your Pivot Table results by including or excluding specific data fields. It can help you focus on important areas and present insights clearly.

Furthermore, adjusting these fields allows for greater flexibility and analysis of data. You can easily modify your table as new data becomes available or when goals shift, ensuring that your presentation stays up-to-date.

In fact, I once had a situation where my department’s revenue tracking needed an overhaul halfway through the year. With only a few clicks, using this method allowed us to create an updated set of reports that our leadership team found insightful and informative.

Filtering and sorting data: Because sometimes you just need to find the needle in the haystack, or organize that haystack into something less chaotic.

Filtering and sorting data

To fine-tune and organize data in pivot tables, certain strategies can be implemented.

  • It is important to filter the data by selecting specific columns, values or labels to declutter the table.
  • The sorting of values, in ascending or descending order, can be used to highlight relevant data.
  • Grouping and summarizing fields can condense large sets of data into meaningful insights.

In addition to these techniques, other aspects of pivot tables such as changing field names and altering display formats can also aid in presenting information clearly.

To optimize the filtering and sorting process, it is suggested that users carefully consider their objectives before creating the pivot table. The structure should be designed with a clear understanding of what needs analysis. Further, it may be beneficial to create multiple pivot tables with different filters applied for comparison purposes. These steps ensure organized and streamlined interpretation of data.

Who needs math skills when you can just create custom fields in Excel and let the program do the heavy lifting?

Calculating custom fields

Calculating new data columns is possible with Pivot Tables by adding custom fields. Follow these steps:

  1. Select your Pivot Table and click on “Options” from the PivotTable menu.
  2. Select “Formulas” then go to “Calculated Fields”.
  3. Apply a name for your custom field and input the formula needed for your calculations.
  4. Select OK, and your new data column appears in your Pivot Table.
  5. Refresh the table when editing if you want the changes to update automatically as well.

A calculated field can also be deleted easily by selecting “Remove” from the same location. Additionally, remember that Excel has precedents it uses when evaluating formulas, so double-check to know what goes into creating desired outputs.

Pro Tip: You can use placeholders for an entire row/column of data in your formula by making sure you’re referencing fields within [] brackets instead of naming a specific cell range manually.

Some Facts About How to Create Pivot Tables in Excel:

  • ✅ Pivot tables are a powerful tool in Excel for analyzing and summarizing data. (Source: Microsoft)
  • ✅ Pivot tables can be created by selecting a range of data and clicking on the “PivotTable” button in the “Insert” tab. (Source: Excel Easy)
  • ✅ Pivot tables allow for arranging and manipulating data in various ways, including grouping, filtering, and sorting. (Source: Ablebits)
  • ✅ Pivot tables can be refreshed with new data by simply right-clicking on the table and selecting “Refresh.” (Source:
  • ✅ Pivot tables can save time and increase efficiency in data analysis by providing quick and clear insights into complex data sets. (Source: Investopedia)

FAQs about How To Create Pivot Tables In Excel

What is a Pivot Table and How to Create Pivot Tables in Excel?

A Pivot Table is a tool in Excel that allows you to summarize and analyze large amounts of data quickly and easily. To create a Pivot Table in Excel, follow these steps:

1. Select the data range that you want to use for the Pivot Table.
2. Go to the “Insert” tab and click on “PivotTable”.
3. In the “Create PivotTable” window that appears, select the range of cells that you want to use for your Pivot Table and choose where to place your Pivot Table.
4. In the “PivotTable Field List” that appears on the right side of the screen, drag and drop the fields you want to use into the “Values” area, “Row Labels” area, and/or “Column Labels” area.

How do I modify a Pivot Table?

To modify a Pivot Table, you can:

1. Double-click on a cell in the “Values” area to see the underlying data.
2. Drag and drop fields between the “Values”, “Row Labels”, and “Column Labels” areas of the “PivotTable Field List”.
3. Change the summary function applied to a field by clicking on the dropdown arrow next to the field name in the “Values” area and selecting a new summary function.
4. Apply a filter by dragging a field to the “Filters” area of the “PivotTable Field List”.
5. Change the layout of the Pivot Table by selecting a new Pivot Table style from the “Design” tab.

Can I refresh my Pivot Table data?

Yes, you can refresh your Pivot Table data by:

1. Right-clicking on the Pivot Table and selecting “Refresh”.
2. Going to the “Data” tab and clicking on “Refresh All”.

Note that if your data source has changed (e.g. you’ve updated the original data in another worksheet), you will need to refresh your Pivot Table to see these changes.

What are Pivot Charts?

Pivot Charts are a visual representation of Pivot Tables that allow you to easily spot trends and patterns in your data. To create a Pivot Chart in Excel, simply:

1. Select the Pivot Table that you want to use for your chart.
2. Go to the “Insert” tab and select the type of chart you want to create.
3. Customize your chart using the options available in the “Design” and “Format” tabs.

How can I group dates in a Pivot Table?

To group dates in a Pivot Table, follow these steps:

1. Right-click on a date in the “Row Labels” area of your Pivot Table.
2. Go to “Group” and select the desired grouping (e.g. “Months”, “Quarters”, “Years”).
3. Your Pivot Table will now summarize your dates according to your chosen grouping.

What is a Pivot Table Cache?

A Pivot Table Cache is an object in Excel that stores your Pivot Table’s data and layout independently from the source data. This allows you to work with Pivot Tables even if your source data is removed or modified. You can create and manage Pivot Table Caches using the “PivotTable Options” and “PivotTable Cache” tabs.

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