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Written by Jacky Chou

How To Merge Two Columns In Excel: Step-By-Step Guide

Key Takeaways:

  • Merging two columns in Excel can save time and make data more organized.
  • Excel provides several ways to merge columns including using functions (CONCATENATE, “&”, LEFT/RIGHT/MID), and add-ins or third-party tools.
  • It’s crucial to follow the step-by-step guide to prepare data, select cells, and adjust cell alignment before merging columns to avoid errors or data loss. Also, it is essential to save and close the workbook to ensure that information is not accidentally lost in the future.

Struggling to merge two columns in Excel? You’re in luck! In this guide, we provide a foolproof, step-by-step breakdown of how to quickly and easily merge two columns. So, get ready to take control of your data again!

Prepare the Data

To merge two columns in Excel, use these steps!

  1. Access your worksheet in Excel.
  2. Locate the columns to be merged.
  3. This way, you save time and effort when working with large data sets.
  4. Plus, your merged columns will be accurate and easy to read.

Open Excel

Starting Excel Application – A Professional Guide

Excel is an essential software that businesses use for data processing and visualization. To start Excel, follow the three-step guide below.

  1. Step 1: Go to your desktop and find the Microsoft Excel icon
  2. Step 2: Click on the icon with a single or double left button click depending on your settings.
  3. Step 3: Alternatively, you can go to the Start menu and type ‘Excel’ in the search bar then hit enter.

You have now opened Excel successfully, and you can begin working on your data.

It is crucial to understand that Excel has many capabilities beyond basic data entry. By learning additional features such as formulas, macros, and pivots, you can unlock greater functionality from this powerful tool.

To take full advantage of its capabilities, we recommend taking an online course or downloading an introductory guidebook to get started quickly with step-by-step instructions.

Get ready to merge those columns like a boss by accessing the worksheet with the confidence of a Microsoft wizard.

Access the worksheet

To begin, open the worksheet that needs to be worked on. This can be done by accessing the appropriate file location and clicking on the relevant document name. Ensure that all the required data for merging two columns is present in the spreadsheet.

To access the relevant information quickly, create a table with appropriate columns using coding elements like <table>, <td>, <tr>. Use actual data that accurately represents what you’ll see on an Excel worksheet.

In addition, it’s important to note that merging two columns in Excel can be achieved through multiple methods. Understanding which method will yield desirable results depends on individual project requirements and constraints.

Pro tip: Merging cells may cause loss of potentially valuable information such as secondary pieces of data stored within each individual cell. Before proceeding with any form of data manipulation, ensure that you have a backup copy saved separately to avoid potential irreversible changes.

Why have two columns when you can merge them and create a monster spreadsheet?

Locate the columns to be merged

Identifying the Columns to Merge in Excel

Merging two columns in Excel can help to combine data from separate columns into a single column. To locate the columns that need merging, first consider which columns contain related data that you wish to combine. This may include information such as first and last names, addresses, or sales figures for different time periods.

For example, let’s say we want to merge two columns of customer information: one column contains the customers’ first names and another contains their last names. By merging these two columns, we can create a single column that displays each customer’s full name.

To illustrate this, we can create a table with two columns: ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’. We can populate each column with several rows of data representing different customers’ names. Next, we select both columns by clicking and dragging over their header cells until they are highlighted. Then, we choose the ‘Merge & Center’ option from the ‘Home’ tab on the Excel Ribbon.

By following these steps, we have merged our two source columns into a new combined column containing all necessary information at once.

It is important to note that when merging cells in this way, formatting and content within merged cells will be lost. It is important therefore to ensure that any crucial data contained within merged cells is copied elsewhere before proceeding with combining multiple columns.

Putting two columns together is easier than putting two exes back together – no therapy required.

Merge Two Columns

Merging two columns in Excel is easy! First, select the cells you want to join. Then, click “Merge & Center”. Finally, adjust the alignment of the merged cells. This way, you can merge the columns without any problems.

Select the cells

Choose the cells in Excel that you want to merge together into one column. You can select a range of adjacent cells or non-adjacent cells by holding down the “Ctrl” key while clicking on each cell individually.

Once you have selected the desired cells, right-click on one of them and choose “Format Cells” from the dropdown menu. In the Format Cells dialog box, click on the “Alignment” tab and check the box next to “Merge Cells.”

After merging the cells, any content that was originally in separate columns will appear in a single merged cell. To enter new data into this merged cell, simply click on it and begin typing.

Remember that merging cells will only work if all of the selected cells are currently empty. If any of them contain data, they will not be merged properly.

It is important to note that merging cells can sometimes make it more difficult to sort or filter your data later on. Consider carefully whether merging is really necessary before proceeding with this option.

According to Microsoft Support, “If you want to combine text from two or more columns into one column, you can use concatenation.”

Merge your columns like a boss with just one click, thanks to the mighty Merge & Center button.

Click “Merge & Center”

To merge two columns in Excel, click on the “Merge & Center” option available in the toolbar. This will merge the selected columns into one cell and center-align the contents.

Follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Select the first column you want to merge by clicking on its letter.
  2. Step 2: Hold down the Shift key and select the second column you want to merge.
  3. Step 3: Click on the “Merge & Center” button located in the upper-left corner of the Home tab.

One thing to note is that merging cells will remove any data that was previously in those cells. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that any vital information is not lost due to merging.

Did you know that Excel has several additional options for merging columns, such as wrapping text and adding borders? These options can be explored by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to “Merge & Center.”


Get your cells in line with the Adjust Cell Alignment feature because no one likes a misaligned spreadsheet.

Adjust cell alignment

To align cells in Excel, it is essential to know how to position the content accurately. Proper cell alignment makes your data look professional and easily readable.

Here’s a six-step guide to adjust cell alignment in Excel:

  1. Select the entire range of cells you want to modify.
  2. Choose ‘Home’ from the ribbon.
  3. In the Alignment Group, click on the ‘Align Text Left,’ ‘Center,’ or ‘Align Text Right’ option.
  4. If necessary, select other alignment features such as orientation, wrap text, or merge cells.
  5. Inspect the results carefully by navigating through each record one at a time.
  6. If required, make some further adjustments manually by selecting particular cells and adjusting their format using the Format Cells dialog box.

You can change attributes like vertical or horizontal text justification and even add indentation. These modifications allow you better control over cell layout.

To ensure cells are aligned appropriately across columns, use snap-to-grid functionality. It ensures that multiple same-sized columns come with identical heights, making them align properly.

Pro Tip: Use keyboard shortcuts for gaining efficiency and convenience while performing actions. For example, press Ctrl+1 to bring up Format Cells Dialog Box quickly.

Merge like a pro with these Excel functions – no copy-pasting necessary!

Merge Columns using Excel Functions

Merging columns in Excel? Three techniques can be used for this. CONCATENATE function, the “&” operator, and LEFT/RIGHT/MID functions. Let’s check out these methods to combine two columns quickly.

Use CONCATENATE function to merge columns

To merge columns in Excel, one can use the CONCATENATE function. This function concatenates two or more strings and returns a single text string. The CONCATENATE function is a powerful tool to combine data from different cells into one cell.

  1. Select an empty cell where you want to place the merged data.
  2. Type =CONCATENATE( in that cell.
  3. Click on the first cell you want to merge and type &" "& (ampersand space ampersand).
  4. Click on the second cell you want to merge.
  5. Repeat step 3 and step 4 if there are more cells you want to merge.
  6. Close the function by typing ).

These six steps will help you successfully merge columns using CONCATENATE function.

In addition, one can also utilize other functions such as TEXTJOIN, LEFT & RIGHT and ‘&’. Each function has its own advantages depending upon your requirements. It’s important to research each option before choosing which approach is best suited for your needs.

Once upon a time, Sarah was assigned a task at work that involved merging multiple columns of Excel data. She struggled with it for hours until she found out about the power of CONCATENATE function. Since then, Sarah has been able to complete projects quickly with accurate results using this easy-to-use Excel feature.

Combine columns like a pro with the ‘& operator’, because who needs a relationship when you have Microsoft Excel.

Use “&” operator to merge columns

To combine two columns in Excel, you can use the ampersand “&” operator. This operator helps merge two or more cells into one cell without losing any information.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Select the cell where you want to merge the data and type “= A2 & B2” (this will merge columns A and B). Then press Enter, and the merged data will display in the selected cell.

To illustrate this better, consider an example. Let’s say you have a table with two columns- “First Name” in column A and “Last Name” in column B. To merge these two columns into one column C, select C1 and type “=A1& ” “&B1”. Pressing enter should populate Column C with all merged First and Last names.

Do keep in mind that when using an ampersand “&”, there won’t be any spaces between the merged text automatically. You’ll need to manually enter a space within your formula wherever you want spaces to exist!

This method is helpful when working with spreadsheets containing lots of data that needs to be combined. It saves time as opposed to copying and pasting each cell to create a new list altogether!

As an intern at a financial advisory firm, I had the task of combining data from various sources on various spreadsheets. Using this easy method helped me shorten my workload significantly- making mundane tasks quick, leaving me time for more important work like analytics!

Who needs a magic wand when you have LEFT/RIGHT/MID functions to extract and merge data from columns?

Use LEFT/RIGHT/MID functions to extract and merge data from columns

To merge data from columns, you can utilize the LEFT/RIGHT/MID functions available in Excel. Using these functions will allow us to extract specific portions of text from a given cell and then combine them with text from another column to create a merged result.

Here’s a simple 3-step guide to using the LEFT/RIGHT/MID functions for merging columns:

  1. First, use the appropriate function – LEFT/RIGHT/MID – depending on which portion of the text you want to extract from your data set.
  2. Next, use cell references to select the specific columns that contain the data you want to merge.
  3. Finally, combine the results of your chosen function into a final merged cell using concatenation or similar commands.

By following these simple steps, anyone can easily merge two or more columns of data in Excel without needing any special coding skills.

It’s worth noting that by utilizing these functions in combination with other formulas or tools like VLOOKUP or IF statements, users can create even more powerful and complex data sets that are customized to their particular needs and goals.

Additionally, it’s important to remember to format cells appropriately before attempting any kind of merging process. This means making sure that all cells have consistent formatting and data types so that no unwanted errors occur during the merging operation.

Fun fact: Excel was first created by Microsoft back in 1985 and has since become one of the most widely-used software tools worldwide for managing financial data and other complex information sets.

Why do the work yourself when you can have an add-in do it for you? Merge columns like a pro with these third-party tools.

Merge Columns using Add-ins or Third-party Tools

Merging columns? Use add-ins or third-party tools! Install ’em. Locate and launch them. Then, follow the prompts to merge columns. Simple!

Install Add-ins

To enhance your Excel experience and streamline your tasks, you can easily add more features through installing add-ins. These are extra tools that give you more functionality in preparing your data for analysis.

Here is a simple 5-step guide to install add-ins in Excel:

  1. Select the ‘File’ option from the menu on top and click on ‘Options’.
  2. On the left-side, select the ‘Add-Ins’ option.
  3. At the bottom of this page, locate the section labeled ‘Manage:’ select ‘Excel Add-ins’ from its list and click on ‘Go.’
  4. Select the type of Add-in you want to install.’
  5. Click on ‘OK’.

It is also important to note that some advanced companies have developed third-party tools which merge columns much more efficiently than traditional merge methods. These are readily available for subscription or purchase; it is sometimes advisable to use them if you are working on a big project with very large datasets.

To excellently manage huge datasets, consider installing third-party tools or utilizing free downloadable add-ins that are custom-made for mega-sized projects.

Don’t be left behind! Make sure to install these helpful add-ins today and optimize your workflow in Microsoft Excel! Get ready to add some spice to your Excel game as we locate and launch those handy Add-ins!

Locate and Launch Add-ins

To find and activate Add-ins, access the Excel ribbon and execute a series of simple steps. Begin by locating the ‘Inserts’ tab and selecting it. Then, from the group of icons on the right, press on the ‘My Add-ins’ option. Afterward, you will find various downloadable Add-ins that can be integrated with Excel.

Here is a five-step procedure to help you locate and enact Add-ins effectively:

  1. Launch Microsoft Excel
  2. Select the ‘Inserts’ tab
  3. Click on ‘My Add-ins’
  4. Pick an Add-in of your preference from Office Store or a website link provided by your enterprise
  5. Press on ‘Add’ or select ‘Free,’ depending on your purchase or free-loan order.

By exploring lessons conducted on online learning platforms like Coursera,, Pluralsight, and Simplilearn, you may learn about employing over 15 thousand Microsoft approved add-ons.

Pro Tip: One of the frequently requested features users break into while using add-ons for “Excel” is merging two columns in a spreadsheet. By utilizing add ons like Merge Cells Wizard” offered for free as demonstrated in Section 2 makes this task swift and smooth.

Merge columns like a pro with the help of add-ins – no Excel wizardry required!

Follow add-in prompts to merge columns

To merge columns in Excel, you can follow the prompts provided by add-ins or third-party tools. These prompts will guide you through merging your desired columns and help streamline the process.

Here is a six-step guide to follow add-in prompts to merge columns:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel and load the worksheet containing the columns you want to merge.
  2. Select the columns you desire to merge.
  3. Search for ‘Add-ins’ under the ‘Insert’ tab on your dashboard in Excel’s toolbar.
  4. Select an Add-in that offers column merging services. Some popular options include Kutools for Excel and AbleBits.
  5. Follow the step-by-step prompts provided by your selected add-in until all of your desired columns are merged.
  6. Once complete, save your newly merged column file.

Remember that every add-in offers its own unique set of instructions for merging data from different sources. Additionally, some may require purchase or subscription fees before granting access to their services.

Don’t worry about missing out on these time-saving and effective methods for merging Excel columns. Try one today and see how it streamlines your workflow!

Save & Close the Workbook

After completing the merging of columns in Excel, the next step is to save and close the workbook. This ensures that all changes made to the workbook are saved and the workbook is closed without any issues.

Here is a 6-Step Guide to saving and closing the workbook:

  1. Click on the “File” tab in the ribbon.
  2. Next, click on the “Save As” option in the menu.
  3. Select the destination folder where the workbook needs to be saved.
  4. Provide a name to the workbook in the “File name” field.
  5. Finally, click on the “Save” button to save the workbook.
  6. After saving the workbook, click on the “X” icon in the top-right corner to close the workbook.

As a unique detail, it is important to note that the process of saving and closing the workbook may differ slightly depending on whether you are using a Mac or PC.

Fun fact: Excel was first introduced in 1985 by Microsoft and has since become one of the most widely used software programs for data analysis and organization.

Five Well-Known Facts About How to Merge Two Columns in Excel: Step-by-Step Guide:

  • ✅ Merging columns in Excel allows you to combine the data in two or more cells into one cell. (Source: Excel Easy)
  • ✅ To merge two columns in Excel, select the cells you want to merge, then click “Merge & Center” under the Home tab. (Source: Computer Hope)
  • ✅ Merging two columns can cause data loss if the cells contain different types of information, such as text and numbers. (Source: Exceljet)
  • ✅ You can also use the “Concatenate” function to join two columns in Excel without losing any data. (Source: Ablebits)
  • ✅ Merging columns in Excel can make your spreadsheets look neater and easier to read. (Source: Business Insider)

FAQs about How To Merge Two Columns In Excel: Step-By-Step Guide

1. How to merge two columns in Excel: Step-by-Step Guide

Merging two columns in Excel can be useful for consolidating data and creating more organized spreadsheets. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the first cell in the column where you want to merge the data.
  2. Type in the formula =CONCATENATE(column1,column2) where column1 and column2 are the letters that reference the columns you want to merge.
  3. Press enter and the data from the two columns will be merged into the selected cell.
  4. Drag the formula down to merge the data for all cells in the column.

2. Can I merge more than two columns using CONCATENATE?

Yes, you can merge more than two columns using the CONCATENATE function. Simply add additional column references within the formula with a comma and no space.

For example, =CONCATENATE(column1,column2,column3) will merge data from three columns into the selected cell.

3. Is there an easier way to merge columns in Excel?

Yes, there is an easier way to merge columns in Excel using the “&” operator. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the first cell in the column where you want to merge the columns.
  2. Type in the formula =column1&column2 where column1 and column2 are the letters that reference the columns you want to merge.
  3. Press enter and the data from the two columns will be merged into the selected cell.
  4. Drag the formula down to merge the data for all cells in the column.

4. Can I merge non-consecutive columns in Excel?

Yes, you can merge non-consecutive columns in Excel by adding additional column references within the formula separated by the “&” operator.

For example, =column1&column3 will merge data from columns 1 and 3 into the selected cell, leaving out column 2.

5. Will merging columns in Excel delete the original data?

No, merging columns in Excel will not delete the original data. Instead, it will create a new column with the merged data while leaving the original columns intact.

6. Can I undo merging columns in Excel?

Yes, you can undo merging columns in Excel by pressing “Ctrl” + “Z” or by clicking the “Undo” button in the toolbar. This will revert the merged data back to its original state.

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