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Written by Jacky Chou

How To Strikethrough In Excel Shortcut

Key Takeaway:

  • Strikethrough is a useful formatting tool in Excel that can be used to indicate that a cell’s contents have been deleted or are no longer valid.
  • You can use the shortcut keys “Ctrl” + “5” in Windows or “Cmd” + “Shift” + “X” on Mac to apply the Strikethrough formatting quickly.
  • Customizing the shortcut keys for Strikethrough in Excel allows you to personalize your experience and simplify the task of adding Strikethrough formatting to cells.

Do you want to make your data look more organized in Excel? With the use of the strikethrough shortcut, you can easily make your data look neat and professional. Learn how to use the strikethrough function in Excel and save time in your day-to-day tasks!

How to Strikethrough in Excel Shortcut

Need to know how to use strikethrough formatting in Excel? Let’s get started! It’s a great feature and this section will show you how to do it. First, we’ll tell you why it’s so useful. Then, we’ll introduce you to the shortcut keys. Master it with ease!

How to Strikethrough in Excel Shortcut-How to strikethrough in excel shortcut,

Image credits: by Joel Washington

Understanding Strikethrough in Excel

Excel users can enhance their data presentation by using the strikethrough format. Strikethrough is a formatting option that allows users to draw a line through text, adding emphasis or indicating that it is no longer relevant. It helps the reader to quickly distinguish between important and outdated information.

To apply strikethrough in Excel, highlight the text, right-click the selection, and navigate to Font options. Then click on the strikethrough icon, and voila! The formatting will appear.

It’s also possible to use shortcut keys to apply the strikethrough format quickly. The most common shortcut for this function is “Ctrl + 5“. This shortcut works efficiently in MS Excel as well as Google Sheets.

Pro Tip: Using a word processing software like Word provides more control over your text’s appearance than using cell formats alone. To achieve better formatting of your specific text within a cell, copy-paste it into Word, edit it there with all the tools available and paste it back into Excel rather than applying cell-level formatting alone.

Save time and give your keyboard a workout with these strikethrough shortcut keys in Excel.

Shortcut Keys for Strikethrough in Excel

For efficient work in Excel, it’s crucial to have complete knowledge of Shortcuts for Strikethrough in Excel. The following are some useful tips on how you can use Strikethrough Shortcut keys in Excel to improve your workflow.

  • To strikethrough a cell or range of cells easily, press Alt+H, H, and then 5.
  • You can also add the strikethrough command to the Quick Access Toolbar by right-clicking and selecting “Customize Quick Access Toolbar.” Select “All Commands” from the drop-down menu and scroll down to find “Strikethrough.”
  • To save even more time and effort, create a custom shortcut key combination. Go to File > Options > Customize Ribbon > Keyboard Shortcuts: Customize, then scroll down to “Commands Not in the Ribbon” and select “Strikethrough.” Assign your preferred shortcut key combination.
  • If you want to remove strikethrough formatting from a cell or range of cells, use Ctrl+Spacebar.
  • For easy access, if you want to turn Strikethrough off or on with one mouse click rather than going through menus every time. Click on Home->Styles->Conditional Formatting that includes an icon with letters ‘abc‘. Next, select “Manage Rules” from the resulting submenu. Select “New Rule” and choose “Use a formula to determine which cells to format.” In the “Edit Formatting Rule” dialog box type =NOT($A$1)=$B$1 as the formula for your rule ->Click “OK” twice.

It’s always good practice to learn shortcuts no matter what productivity tool you’re using, but mastering shortcuts for Microsoft Excel can make a significant difference in terms of efficiency when working with large amounts of data.

To note: Keep in mind that these shortcuts can vary depending on your version of Excel or operating system. Suppose you’re using a Mac. In that case, the strikethrough shortcut is Command + Shift + X, and to remove it, press Command + Shift + S.

Personalize your Excel experience by creating shortcuts for strikethrough, because who has time to keep clicking the same button?

How to Customize Shortcut Keys for Strikethrough in Excel

Need help with strikethrough text in Excel? No problem! “How to Customize Shortcut Keys for Strikethrough in Excel” has the solution.

  1. Head to Excel Options, then click Customize Ribbon.
  2. Select Customize Ribbon from the drop-down.
  3. Next, click Keyboard Shortcuts: Customize.
  4. Now, pick Home Tab and Strikethrough.
  5. Finally, assign a shortcut key for Strikethrough.
  6. All set!

How to Customize Shortcut Keys for Strikethrough in Excel-How to strikethrough in excel shortcut,

Image credits: by Harry Woodhock

Access Excel Options

To access the customization options for shortcut keys in Excel, navigate to the ‘Excel Options’ section in the File menu. Here, you will find options for creating, editing and removing keyboard shortcuts.

Customize your shortcut keys for strikethrough in Excel by selecting the ‘Customize Ribbon’ option and clicking on the ‘Keyboard Shortcuts: Customize’ button at the bottom of the window. Next, select ‘Home Tab’ from the dropdown and expand it to find ‘Strikethrough’. Assign a key combination that works for you by pressing those keys simultaneously.

In addition to customizing keyboard shortcuts, other options include setting up toolbar icons or adding items to Quick Access Toolbar. Be sure to explore all available options and choose what works best for your workflow.

Don’t miss out on time-saving techniques! Take advantage of customized shortcut keys to boost productivity in your Excel worksheets today.

Customize Ribbon, where you can finally make Excel bow down and do your bidding.

Click on Customize Ribbon

To customize the ribbon in Excel, you can follow a few simple steps. Here’s a three-step guide on how to access this option and change your shortcut keys:

  1. Go to the ‘File’ tab.
  2. Select ‘Options’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on ‘Customize Ribbon,’ and you’re good to go!

You might find it helpful to know that customizing your ribbon allows you not only to adjust your shortcut keys but also add new commands or remove unused options.

In addition, once you’ve opened up Customize Ribbon, you can select which tabs will stay visible and which ones won’t. This function helps you personalize your Excel experience further.

A true story regarding customizing shortcut keys is that this feature was introduced in Microsoft Excel 97 and has since gained popularity among users worldwide. It is not only used for convenience purposes but also for accessibility reasons since customized keyboard shortcuts can make navigation more comfortable for disabled users.

Clickity-click, customize that ribbon lickity-split.

Select Customize Ribbon from the drop-down menu

To customize the ribbon in Excel, you can access the ‘Customize Ribbon’ option from the drop-down menu.

  1. open Excel and click on the ‘File’ tab.
  2. select ‘Options’ from the menu on the left-hand side.
  3. Lastly, choose ‘Customize Ribbon’ from the options on the left and follow the given instructions to customize your shortcuts.

It’s worth noting that when personalizing your shortcuts, you can also add new groups and tabs within the ribbon for increased functionality.

In addition to shortcut customization, there are other personalization possibilities available for users of Excel. By exploring font styles and adjusting row heights, amongst other features, users can adapt their Excel experience to their specific needs.

Interestingly enough, customization options in Excel have grown significantly over time. Microsoft has become increasingly attuned to users’ requirements regarding efficient work processes within their software offerings.

Get ready to give your keyboard a makeover and customize your Excel shortcuts like a boss!

Click on Keyboard Shortcuts: Customize

To customize your keyboard shortcuts for strikethrough in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the ‘Customize Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar‘ button.
  2. Click on it.
  3. Select ‘Quick Access Toolbar‘.
  4. Select ‘All Commands‘.
  5. Click on ‘Strikethrough‘ and then click on ‘Add‘.

After following these steps, you will be able to use customized shortcut keys for strikethrough in Excel. It will save time on manually striking through any data and enhance productivity.

Nothing says ‘I mean business’ in Excel like a perfectly executed strikethrough shortcut.

Select Home Tab and Strikethrough

To apply Strikethrough format to a cell in Excel, you need to select the Home tab from the Excel ribbon and find the Strikethrough option.

Here’s a simple 3-step guide to select the Home Tab and Strikethrough:

  1. Open an Excel worksheet or workbook
  2. Select any cell(s) that you want to Strikethrough
  3. Navigate to the Home tab on the Excel Ribbon and locate ‘Strikethrough’ Icon

Furthermore, if you don’t see Strikethrough features, you can customize your shortcuts for this command. This will save time when it comes to formatting your data into an accurate layout that meets your specific needs.

To ensure easier access for applying strikethrough, here are some suggestions:

  • You could assign a custom keyboard shortcut for Strike through under the customize ribbon menu.
  • You can add ‘Strikethrough’ as one of the quick access toolbar options.
  • Alternatively, place ‘Strikethrough’ Icon on QAT (Quick Access Toolbar) or Ribbon, so their required capabilities are accessible in a single click quickly.

Customizing shortcuts in excel is useful as it ensures ease of use and faster work performance. Therefore, now that you know how to select home tab and strikethrough using shortcuts; try personalizing its functionality. These suggestions will help improve your productivity when using Microsoft Excel.

Get the satisfaction of striking through your to-do list with just a press of a button – assign a shortcut key for strikethrough in Excel.

Assign a Shortcut Key for Strikethrough

Customizing the shortcut keys for Strikethrough can save significant time on formatting. With a Semantic NLP variation of “Assign a Shortcut Key for Strikethrough,” let’s understand how to make this process efficient and effective.

To customize the shortcut keys:

  1. Click on the ‘File’ tab in Excel.
  2. Select ‘Options’ from the menu.
  3. Choose ‘Customize Ribbon’
  4. Then, click on ‘Keyboard shortcuts: Customize.’
  5. From the Categories list, select either ‘All Commands’ or ‘Home Tab.’
  6. In the Commands list, scroll down and find ‘Strikethrough.’ Then, click in the box under ‘Press new shortcut key,’ and press your desired keyboard combination. Finally, click “Assign”, and save changes by selecting OK.

It is crucial to note that multiple commands may use your preferred keyboard shortcut. Therefore, Excel alerts you when conflicts arise. Additionally, we recommend selecting a combination that is easy to remember while avoiding common ones like Ctrl+C or Ctrl+V.

By knowing how to customize shortcut keys for strikethrough in Excel using our six-step guide above, you can speed up your work process while still creating an organized document.

Five Facts About How to Strikethrough in Excel Shortcut:

  • ✅ Strikethrough is a text formatting option that places a horizontal line through the center of selected text in Excel. (Source: Excel Easy)
  • ✅ Users can use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+5” to quickly apply the strikethrough format to selected cells in Excel. (Source: Computer Hope)
  • ✅ Strikethrough can also be added as a button to the Excel ribbon for easier accessibility. (Source: Spreadsheeto)
  • ✅ Strikethrough can be used for various purposes in Excel, such as indicating completed tasks or marking deleted data. (Source: Exceljet)
  • ✅ Strikethrough can be removed from selected cells by using the “Ctrl+5” shortcut again or by clicking on the strikethrough button in the Excel ribbon. (Source: HowTo-Outlook)

FAQs about How To Strikethrough In Excel Shortcut

What is the shortcut for strikethrough in Excel?

The shortcut for strikethrough in Excel is CTRL + 5. Pressing these keys together will apply the strikethrough formatting to the selected cell or cells within your worksheet.

Can I customize the shortcut for strikethrough in Excel?

Yes, you can customize the shortcut for strikethrough in Excel by going to the File menu, selecting Options, and then selecting Customize Ribbon. From there, click on the Customize button next to Keyboard Shortcuts and scroll down to Strikethrough under the Home tab. You can then click on the current shortcut (CTRL + 5) and press a new combination to assign your own custom shortcut.

How can I remove strikethrough format in Excel?

To remove strikethrough formatting in Excel, select the cell or cells with the formatting you want to remove and press CTRL + 5. This will toggle the strikethrough formatting off. You can also go to the Home tab in the Excel ribbon, and click on the Strikethrough button to turn off the formatting.

What is the difference between strikethrough and the dash (-) symbol in Excel?

The strikethrough formatting in Excel is used to show that something has been deleted or completed, while the dash symbol is typically used to represent negative values or when a value is not available. However, both formatting options can be used in various ways depending on your specific data and needs.

Can I strikethrough text in Excel?

No, you cannot strikethrough text in Excel as it is a spreadsheet program and not a word processing program. Strikethrough formatting applies only to cells and values within the worksheet.

How do I apply strikethrough formatting to multiple cells at once in Excel?

To apply strikethrough formatting to multiple cells at once in Excel, select all the cells you want to apply the formatting to. Then, press CTRL + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog box, go to the Font tab, and check the box next to Strikethrough. Click OK to apply the formatting to all selected cells.

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