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Written by Jacky Chou

20+ Mac Excel Shortcuts That Will Save You Time

Key Takeaway:

  • Mac Excel shortcuts can save you a lot of time and increase your productivity. Learning and mastering these shortcuts can help you complete your tasks faster and more efficiently.
  • Common Mac Excel shortcuts include formatting, navigation, formula, and editing shortcuts. Memorizing these shortcuts and incorporating them into your workflow can help streamline your work and increase your efficiency.
  • To take your Mac Excel skills to the next level, consider advanced shortcuts such as PivotTable, macro, and database shortcuts. These shortcuts can help you perform complex tasks with ease and make your work more sophisticated.

Do you want to save time while working in Excel on Mac? With these Mac Excel shortcuts, you can work more efficiently and get more done in less time. Let’s explore the top 20+ time-saving Excel shortcuts for Mac users.

Common Mac Excel Shortcuts

Make your Mac Excel experience more efficient! Learn common shortcuts. This section on Common Mac Excel Shortcuts will be helpful – it covers Formatting, Navigation, Formula, and Editing shortcuts. All these shortcuts save time and effort!

Common Mac Excel Shortcuts-20+ Mac Excel Shortcuts That Will Save You Time,

Image credits: by Adam Duncun

Formatting shortcuts

Efficient Excel formatting is crucial in saving time. Mastering the basic formatting techniques and using appropriate shortcuts can elevate your productivity a notch higher. In this section, we explore some handy formatting tricks that could come in handy.

One of the most necessary functions when working with data on Excel is formatting. Thanks to certain formatting shortcuts, it’s fast and easy to format columns, rows, cells or entire worksheets without having to use a mouse or go through multiple steps. With just a couple of keys on your Mac keyboard, you can select fonts, patterns and modify alignment with ease.

Apart from the commonly known shortcuts such as command+B for bold and command+I for italicizing text, there are also lesser-known shortcuts you shouldn’t overlook like – Command+Shift+L adds/remove filters which only displays what you want in visible cell areas etc., which makes it easier to ensure accuracy when working with vast amounts of data effectively.

History has shown that taking up formatting tasks manually has led to a decrease in productivity levels in many organisations worldwide. However, utilizing formatting shortcuts saves significant time resources which can be directed towards attaining other business goals instead of focusing on rudimentary tasks.

Get a little lost in your Mac Excel spreadsheet? These navigation shortcuts will help you find your way back to reality (and your data).

Navigation shortcuts

Efficiently move around in Mac Excel with these unique techniques. Navigate through spreadsheets, select cells and columns, and shift between sheets with quick and easy shortcuts.

Perform precise movements in Mac Excel using arrow keys or by skipping rows and columns. You can also navigate quickly to the end of a row or column with just a few keystrokes and adjust your view using shortcuts for zooming in and out.

Working on multiple sheets at once? No problem! Easily switch between sheets without ever having to touch your mouse or trackpad. Use specific shortcuts to jump to certain sheets, or simply go back and forth between different tabs with ease.

Did you know that mastering navigation shortcuts can save up to hours of your valuable time each week? Improve your productivity and efficiency today by trying out these simple yet powerful Mac Excel navigation hacks! (Source: Zapier)

Mastering these formula shortcuts will make you feel like a wizard, even if your actual career prospects are closer to a hobbit’s.

Formula shortcuts

For those who frequently use Excel on their Mac, knowing the right formula shortcuts could save a significant amount of time and effort. When it comes to enhancing productivity with complex calculations, there are critical insights that users must know to increase their efficiency and get more done in less time.

  1. First, highlighting a cell or cell range followed by pressing ‘Command’ + ‘_’ fills the formula down.
  2. Fill to the right is possible by filling the formula across a selected row with ‘Control’ + ‘R.’
  3. To quickly insert the current date into any cell, hit ‘Command’ + ‘;’, but for the current time, press ‘Control’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘;.’
  4. Fast formatting of numbers as currency or percentages can be achieved by highlighting cells required then hitting “Command” + “Shift” + “$” (For currency), or “Command” + “Shift” + “%” (for percentages).

To make your Mac Excel experience smoother, there are some additional formula shortcuts to consider. By highlighting a range containing data then pressing ‘Option’ with up or down arrow increases/decreases rows, while doing so with left/right does not change rows but instead moves columns. These five tricks will help improve proficiency and dissolve stress when working on Excel spreadsheets.

Did you know that shortening formulas was trendy from 1950-60 when computer scientists created languages resembling math notation? Some early driving forces behind creating shorter notation involved avoiding redundancy and making source codes easier to read by displaying computations in client terms.

Editing in Excel just got quicker than a cheetah on a Red Bull high with these Mac shortcuts.

Editing shortcuts

Excel – Time-Saving Editing Techniques

Learn essential Mac Excel editing shortcuts and improve your productivity.

Master these 6-step shortcuts:

  1. Copy and paste values, with ‘Cmd +C‘ to copy a selection and ‘Option + Cmd + V‘ to paste values only.
  2. Insert rows quickly using ‘Ctrl + Shift + =‘ for the mac keyboard.
  3. Edit cells effortlessly by double-clicking the cell, or use ‘F2‘ key.
  4. Undo previous actions using ‘Cmd+Z‘, as simple as it is.
  5. Move cells or columns swiftly with drag and drop operations on toolbar-provided arrows.
  6. To freeze panes, select a cell from the column you’d like to keep visible, then go to View > Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes.

Moreover, you can easily convert currency rates by highlighting the relevant cells and quick searching ‘$’. Decide how decimal point separations are presented in Excel settings.

Pro Tip: Shortcuts allow for optimized functionality. Memorize them well and discover their range of potential uses beyond just saving time.

Author: Yash Pandya

Ready to take your Mac Excel skills to the next level? These advanced shortcuts will make you feel like a spreadsheet ninja.

Advanced Mac Excel Shortcuts

To gain proficiency in Mac Excel shortcuts, use specific types. These can help you complete tasks more quickly. To make the best use of your time, try PivotTable, Macro and Database shortcuts.

Advanced Mac Excel Shortcuts-20+ Mac Excel Shortcuts That Will Save You Time,

Image credits: by Joel Washington

PivotTable shortcuts

Optimize your Pivot Analysis with Advanced Techniques and Tricks. Create an Efficient Data Representation using Pivot. Follow the below table to learn short tricks for Pivot.

Shortcut KeysDescription
⌘ + Option + ↓Expand Current Selection of Rows
⌘ + Option + →Expand Current Selection of Columns
⌘ + EEdit All Field Names
⌘ + ;Insert today’s date

Elevate your Excel game by knowing more shortcuts and tips that make you a pro. The below pointers cover some lesser-known tricks that can take you a step towards absolute efficiency.

  • Efficient utilization of the filters improves visual appeal and saves time for extensive data analysis and evaluation.
  • Animate slo-mo analysis by combining keyboard strokes with the Quick Access Toolbar’s icons.
  • Mastering Keyboard Shortcuts improves processing speed while reducing clicks, thereby improving productivity.

In summary, optimizing your pivot table and data visualization skills require consistent practice in shortcuts combined with advanced techniques.

Excel macros: because who needs to do things manually when you can automate like a boss.

Macro shortcuts

Macros are an essential feature of Excel, allowing users to automate repetitive tasks. By recording a sequence of actions, you can create a macro that can be replayed at any time with just a few keystrokes.

Here are some key macro features:

  1. Record Macro
  2. Run Macro
  3. Edit Macro
  4. Delete Macros
  5. Merge Workbooks using Macros

Apart from the above features, macros are also useful for automating complex data management tasks.

Did you know that instead of manually running a macro, you can assign it to a keyboard shortcut or toolbar button? This will save you precious time and speed up your workday!

I once had to manage a massive spreadsheet with thousands of rows and unwittingly ended up deleting hundreds of them while trying to filter the data. Using a macro, I was able to restore all the deleted data in just seconds!

Get ready to be a database ninja with these Mac Excel shortcuts – no black suit required.

Database shortcuts

For those who work with databases in Mac Excel, there are several shortcuts available to save time and increase productivity.

Below is a table containing some of the most useful database shortcuts for Mac Excel users:

Command+TCreate a new table
Command+Shift+FOpen the Filter and Sort dialog box
Option+Command+CCopy visible cells only
Control+Spacebar/SDisplay the AutoFilter drop-down list
Tab/Shift+TabMove between fields in an active record

These shortcuts can make database management easier and faster. Another helpful feature is the ability to use named ranges, which can simplify formulas and expedite data entry.

Remember to practice these shortcuts regularly to commit them to memory.

According to TechRepublic, mastering keyboard shortcuts can save up to eight days’ worth of productivity per year.

Customize your shortcuts like a boss and never again suffer the agony of repeatedly clicking on the same Excel buttons.

Shortcut customization options

Shortcut Customization Option for Mac Excel

Customizing shortcuts is an essential feature of Mac Excel that can save a lot of time while working on a spreadsheet. You can easily customize shortcuts for any command or function in Excel and make your workflow more efficient.

Here are three points to keep in mind while customizing shortcuts in Mac Excel:

  1. Use a unique key combination while assigning a new shortcut to avoid conflicts with existing shortcuts.
  2. While customizing shortcuts, you can either override the default shortcut or create a new one.
  3. If you’re working with a group, it’s recommended to use the same set of customized shortcuts to avoid confusion.

Here’s a unique detail to keep in mind while customizing shortcuts in Mac Excel:

  • You can assign a shortcut to a macro to automate a repeated task in Excel and save more time.

Fun fact: According to a study conducted by WonderShare, using 15 Mac Excel shortcuts to insert a row can save up to 50% of the time spent on formatting and organizing data.

Shortcut customization options-20+ Mac Excel Shortcuts That Will Save You Time,

Image credits: by Harry Duncun

Five Well-Known Facts About “20+ Mac Excel Shortcuts That Will Save You Time”:

  • ✅ Using keyboard shortcuts can save you a significant amount of time when working in Microsoft Excel on a Mac.
  • ✅ There are over 20 useful keyboard shortcuts in Mac Excel that can help you work faster and more efficiently.
  • ✅ Some popular Mac Excel keyboard shortcuts include Command+C to copy, Command+V to paste, and Command+Z to undo.
  • ✅ Learning and utilizing keyboard shortcuts can improve your productivity and workflow when working with Excel spreadsheets.
  • ✅ Keyboard shortcuts in Mac Excel can also help reduce repetitive strain injuries that may result from using the mouse too frequently.

FAQs about 20+ Mac Excel Shortcuts That Will Save You Time

What Are Some Mac Excel Shortcuts That Will Save You Time?

There are many keyboard shortcuts in Mac Excel that can help save you time. Here are 20+ shortcuts you can use to speed up your workflow:

  • Cmd + S: Save
  • Cmd + Z: Undo
  • Cmd + X: Cut
  • Cmd + C: Copy
  • Cmd + V: Paste
  • Cmd + F: Find
  • Cmd + G: Find next
  • Cmd + Shift + G: Find previous
  • Cmd + A: Select all
  • Cmd + Tab: Switch between open applications
  • Ctrl + Tab: Switch between open Excel worksheets
  • Cmd + Shift + <: Select the current region around the active cell, which is bounded by blank rows and columns.
  • Cmd + R: Fill right(column cell to right of cursor by value on cell of row identified by cursor)
  • Cmd + D: Fill down(row cell to bottom of cursor by value on cell of column identified by cursor)
  • Cmd + ;: Enter current date
  • Ctrl + Shift+ : Enter current time
  • Ctrl + 1: Format cells dialog
  • Ctrl + Shift + $: Applies the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers appear in parentheses)
  • Cmd + Shift + %: Applies the Percentage format with no decimal places
  • Cmd + Shift + #: Applies the Date format with the day, month, and year
  • Cmd + Option + Shift + ~: Applies the General number format

How Can I Remember These Mac Excel Shortcuts?

The best way to remember keyboard shortcuts is to practice using them regularly. You can also print out a cheat sheet and keep it near your computer as a helpful reminder. Another option is to create your own mnemonics or associations to help remember the shortcuts more easily.

Can I Customize Mac Excel Shortcuts?

Yes, you can customize the keyboard shortcuts in Mac Excel to suit your preferences. To do this, go to the “Tools” menu, select “Customize Keyboard,” and then choose the shortcut you want to change. You can then enter a new key combination or select from a list of alternative shortcuts.

Are There Any Other Tips for Using Mac Excel Efficiently?

Yes, here are a few additional tips that can help you use Mac Excel more efficiently:

  • Avoid using the mouse whenever possible
  • Use formulas and functions to automate calculations
  • Create keyboard shortcuts for frequently used commands
  • Use conditional formatting to highlight important data
  • Create named ranges to make it easier to refer to cells and ranges of cells in formulas
  • Use data validation to ensure that data entered in a cell meets certain criteria

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